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Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 3:08 am by Rebecca in Tuscany

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 Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15)

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Join date : 2008-08-26

Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) Empty
PostSubject: Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15)   Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) EmptyTue Aug 26, 2008 1:03 am

I am planning a trip to Tuscany in a few weeks. My girlfriend and I will be spending a day in Florence on Sept 13th. However, we are planning to rent a car and drive through the Tuscan countryside on the 14th and 15th (Sun & Mon) on our way to Rome. We are planning a (lazy) drive through the region and would like to stop by a couple of wineries over the two days. If it's not too much trouble, I had a few questions . . .

- What area and wineries would you suggest that we try to see? (She would probably prioritize the beauty of the estate over the depth of wine.)

- Will any of them be open on a Sunday? (I noticed that the Greve festival was that same weekend...would it be worth a stop on the last day of the festival...the 14th)?

- Do you have a recommendation for a rustic, charming farmhouse hidden in the countryside situated among the vineyards?

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. I want this to be a special trip for her!
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Rebecca in Tuscany
Rebecca in Tuscany

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Join date : 2008-03-16
Age : 50
Location : Tuscany

Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15)   Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) EmptyTue Aug 26, 2008 9:15 pm

Already sounds like a great plan. You should definitely pass by Greve and join the festival in the Market square. When you’re done, head towards Panzano and have lunch at Mac Dario or at Solociccia (you should book here). Then you could head towards Radda in Chianti for an after-lunch stroll and then towards Castello di Brolio – beautiful castle in the Southern Chianti Classico where the wine shop is open on Sundays for tasting. Drive up to the castle and look around – the view is breathtaking.

Before heading towards Radda, you could head towards San Donato close to which you find Casa Emma – a family run winery also open for tastings on Sundays. All depends on how your day proceeds and how much you feel like fitting in.

You might want to consider a Romantic Inn like Locanda dell’Amorosa close to Sinalunga. The next morning you could discover Montepulciano after which you could start your way down to Rome…
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Join date : 2008-08-26

Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) Empty
PostSubject: Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15)   Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) EmptyWed Aug 27, 2008 7:20 am

Thanks for the quick reply. I have sent an email to Locanda dell’Amorosa to check their availability. Do you happen to have any other recommendations for accommodations in the area? The availability has been limited at some of the other places that I have checked so far. I am hoping to find somewhere that is perhaps less known (or at least less marketed online).

Thanks again...your suggestions were very helpful. I plan to take the suggested route!
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Rebecca in Tuscany
Rebecca in Tuscany

Posts : 48
Join date : 2008-03-16
Age : 50
Location : Tuscany

Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15)   Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15) EmptyThu Aug 28, 2008 9:11 pm

Try Palazzo Brandano: http://www.palazzobrandano.com/
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Driving through Tuscany (Sept. 14-15)
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